



We work hard to make a GMercyU education affordable — and make the process as smooth as possible. Check out the next steps below, as well as who to contact should you have any questions. 

If you haven’t already applied for financial aid, you should do so immediately. 第一步是完成 FAFSA (免费申请联邦学生资助). The FAFSA will help our financial aid office determine if you’re eligible for federal or state financial aid.*


需要帮助或有疑问? 联络我们: financialaid@chcmarketplace.com 或215-646-7300分机. 21216. 你也可以了解 这里的财政援助流程.

*不打算提交FAFSA? 请让我们知道!


当你的录取通知书准备好了,你会收到电子邮件通知. Please be sure to review and accept your financial aid offer via the 学生自助服务门户. 登录 the portal with the username and password provided to you via 电子邮件 and then click on “金融援助” to access your aid, 形式, 以及其他重要信息.

If you have submitted a completed FAFSA and don’t get an aid offer letter in the next two weeks, 或者如果你有其他问题, 联络我们: financialaid@chcmarketplace.com 或215-646-7300分机. 21216. 我们也可以帮助你审查你的经济援助报价. 

需要帮助登录? 联系你的招生顾问或给我们发邮件 admissions@chcmarketplace.com.


在你开始上课之前,你需要做几件事. Check out the steps below and who to contact should you have any questions. 

To ensure that you are prepared to succeed in college-level courses, you will need to take the English and mathematics placement assessments before registering for your first semester at GMercyU. 你可以在 就业评估网页请在课程注册前两周完成.

如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请发电子邮件 placementtesting@chcmarketplace.com.

*Placement Assessments are not required of students admitted to the Integrated Studies program. Transfer students do not need to take the placement assessments unless they have not successfully completed both a college-level English and math course.


在Griffin Ready会议上, you'll get to spend time with current and future Griffins as you learn about GMercyU student resources, 机会, 和更多的. In addition, you will register for classes with the support and guidance of an academic advisor.


  • 6月25日星期二
  • 6月27日星期四
  • 7月15日星期一
  • 7月18日星期四


  • 6月5日星期三
  • 7月17日星期三

报名将很快开始. 日期可能取决于专业. 

Once you've registered for classes, you'll be able to find your course schedule online via the 学生自助服务门户.


新生迎新会向你介绍这里的文化, 传统, and expectations of 格温内斯仁慈大学 and prepare you for your first semester. You will also receive the information and resources you need to be successful in your college experience.

  • 转学方向:2024年8月14日
  • 一年级入学:2024年8月23日至24日(为期两天的课程)



Please send your final transcripts to the 招生办公室 to the following address:

P.O. 901箱

Official transcripts may also be submitted electronically by your high school counselor, 你的大学注册办公室, 或通过Naviance或Parchment. 请将成绩单寄至 admissions@chcmarketplace.com.

*一年级学生: Once you graduate, please send in your final high school transcripts. 金融援助 will not be disbursed until we receive your official transcripts.

*转学一旦你完成了你现在学校的最后一门课程, 请寄上你的大学最终成绩单. 金融援助 will not be disbursed until we receive your official transcripts.

*You certify that the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. Failure to make full and truthful disclosure of all information requested will result in disqualification or revocation of admission.




  1. 使用我们的在线支付门户网站提交您的全部到期余额, 哪些服务可以通过自助服务门户访问.

  2. Apply for a Parent Plus or Private loan to cover an outstanding balance once all other financial aid has been applied to your account. 如果您对贷款有疑问,请摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 financialaid@chcmarketplace.com

  3. Pay your semester charges monthly by setting up a payment plan through our online payment portal called TouchNet. 付款计划允许你把你的余额分成三个部分, 四个, 或者五次相等的支付, 这取决于你什么时候注册. 你越早加入付款计划, the more payments you'll have (many people prefer five smaller payments instead of three or 四个 larger payments). 在这里查看更多细节和说明. Please note: students can't enroll into a payment plan until they have a bill, 直到他们注册了课程,账单才会产生. 

    If you have questions about payment plans, please contact the Bursar’s Office at 215-646-7300 ext., 21278 or studentbilling@chcmarketplace.com.


计划住在校园里? 一定要遵循下面的所有步骤!

确保你在我们宿舍的位置, 你需要提交住房申请和押金. The earlier the application and deposit are submitted, the more likely that preferences can be met. 需要帮助? 联系 reslife@chcmarketplace.com. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 住在校园里.


所有新生和转学生必须完成适当的 健康形式和接受某些必要的免疫接种 在搬进来或开始上课之前. If you have any questions about your health form, please contact Donna Ferguson 弗格森.d@chcmarketplace.com.

Resident students are required to provide proof of health insurance cover年龄 on their health 形式 in order to live on campus. 如果你没有自己的保险, here are some outside resources that you can access to find a plan that meets your needs:

GMercyU's Office of 金融援助 will work with students who need financial assistance for outside health insurance cover年龄. 请联系财政援助 financialaid@chcmarketplace.com 或215-646-7300分机. 21216,如果需要的话.


After you submitted your acceptance deposit, you were assigned a GMercyU 电子邮件 address. All important GMercyU mess年龄s will be sent to you through your GMercyU 电子邮件 address, 所以在第一堂课之前做好准备是很重要的.

需要帮助? 联系 IT@chcmarketplace.com.

所有新生和转学生必须完成适当的 健康形式和接受某些必要的免疫接种 在搬进来或开始上课之前. If you have any questions about your health form, please contact Donna Ferguson 弗格森.d@chcmarketplace.com. (Please note: These are the same health 形式 as Step 2 in the 住房 section.)

Resident students are required to provide proof of health insurance cover年龄 on their health 形式 in order to live on campus. 如果你没有自己的保险, here are some outside resources that you can access to find a plan that meets your needs:

GMercyU's Office of 金融援助 will work with students who need financial assistance for outside health insurance cover年龄. 请联系财政援助 financialaid@chcmarketplace.com 或215-646-7300分机. 21216,如果需要的话.

You will need your GMercyU student ID to access campus and to get into Residence Halls and use other resources on campus. Please send a “headshot” selfie from your GMercyU 电子邮件 address to IDcardpicture@chcmarketplace.com 截止日期 and note your full name and if you are a resident or a commuter student. 照片应该只包括你的脸和脖子, and please choose the highest resolution possible when 电子邮件ing it.

The first time you are on campus, please pick up your ID card at the Campbell Solution Center.

需要帮助? 请与坎贝尔解决方案中心联系 campbellsolutioncenter@chcmarketplace.com.

在校园里需要一辆车? 没有问题! 请按此查阅申请停车许可证的指引. (2024-2025年的指示即将发布!)

If you need additional help, please contact the Campbell Solution Center at 215-641-5595 or campbellsolutioncenter@chcmarketplace.com.

  1. 登录 GMercyU的自助服务门户.
  2. 点击“用户选项”图标   在左下角的导航栏中.
  3. Click on “Emergency Information” and provide two emergency contacts. 通常, 学生提供名字, address, 电子邮件, 父母的电话和手机号码, 《mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站》, 或者是亲密的家庭成员.


The University’s Emergency Notification System sends mess年龄s to your cell phone and 电子邮件 address in the event of a public safety-related campus event. 请于 gmercyu.omnilert.网. You’ll need your MyGMercyU门户 username and password to sign up. Your username and password was sent to you via 电子邮件 shortly after you submitted your acceptance deposit. 如果找不到垃圾邮件文件夹,一定要检查一下.

需要帮助? 联系 IT@chcmarketplace.com 寻求帮助.

下一个: 认识一些友好的面孔 在GMercyU谁 会帮助你顺利过渡到大学吗!